Please complete this form to request medical assistance for each sick C.A.T.S. foster animal:
Foster's First Name*
Foster's Last Name*
Phone Number* (cell preferred)
Can you send/receive text messages at this number?* Yes No
Dog/Cat's Name*
Male or Female* Male Female Can't Tell
Dog/Cat's Age*
Dog/Cat's Weight*
Dog/Cat's Description* (color, pattern, breed)
Is this animal sharing food/water bowls with any other animals? Yes No
If a cat, is it sharing a litterbox with any other cat(s)? Yes No
Have you given any medication to date? Yes No
If yes, what, how much & when did you start?
ENERGY: On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is hardly moving and 5 is normal playfulness, where does your foster rate?
APPETITE: On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is not eating at all and 5 is normal appetite, where does your foster rate?
THIRST: On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is not drinking at all and 5 is normal thirst, where does your foster rate?
HAIR LOSS: Any hair loss? Yes No
If yes, list all the areas where hair loss is apparent. Paws Face Top of Head Back Tummy Tail Other areas of hair loss:
Describe the areas where hair loss is apparent Flaky/scabby Smooth Fuzzy/hair growing back
When did the hair loss start?
OTHER: Please note any other symptoms that you have noticed with this foster animal